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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Student Essay - Describe your mother – Afif bin Ahmad Khairuddin, 14 years old, homeschooled

Describe your mother – Afif bin Ahmad Khairuddin, 14 years old, homeschooled

My mother’s name is Rahila but everyone calls her Lala. In Arabic, my mother’s name means to travel. She is one of my role models. I look up to her because of her good traits. She is responsible, gentle and positive.

Firstly, my mother is a very responsible woman. She is always punctual for all her appointments. She keeps track of time very well. Not only is she punctual, she reminds all her children to be punctual too. She is also reliable. We can count on her to remind us things we have forgotten, like our homework or errands.

Secondly, she is very cheerful. She always makes people smile. She is very unlike some very hot-tempered people out there who show their temper. She doesn’t show her temper for everyone to see. Instead, she can make people smile when they are angry or sad. It is very easy to make her happy. She laughs at the simplest jokes. If we do anything out a good heart, she will be happy, although she won’t show it.

Thirdly, she is a very positive woman. She always sees the good side of people. Even if someone is evil or bad in everyone’s eyes, she will see the good side of that person. When someone is rude to her, she won’t make snappy comebacks. She will just tell the person that he or she is rude and then walk away. When faced with a problem, she will try to resolve it methodically. She may look up for answers online. If she can’t solve her problem, she will ask others for help.

When I grow up, I hope to emulate my mother’s positive side and good traits. I love her very much. I wish that more people were like her.

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